Wednesday 9 July 2008

Day 10 Nice - Geneva

So I'm on the train from Nice to Geneva now. I don't have a place to stay and am contemplating spending the night in the airport (however after a few phone calls I manage to get a bed!!). By the way, the man sitting beside me has terrible BO. It's a 7 hour journey to Geneva, so it's going to be a long ride.
Well I went shopping again before catching the train. Mind you it wasn't souvenir shopping but proper shopping shopping. I'm running out of clothes since all the hostel so far don't have laundry services, it's the sales now and everything is so cheap and it's much easier to get size here. Yeah it's all excuses. But I should really stop or else I will run out of money very soon. I also lost my brand new 10 euro calling card, I think I actually threw it away with my other rubbish. Silly silly me!!
Oh boy, I really cant stand the smell. Actually the reason I'm suffering is my own fault. I was trying to be nice and offered my seat to this girl because her boyfriend was seating beside me. So exchanged seats with her and now I'm stuck with Mr Stinky. And Mr Stinky also has a PINK psp. PINK ok! I have a feeling that maybe Mr Stinky actually understands English and is reading this because he's streching his arms alot now and I think he's purposely doing it to antagonize me. Ok I think I'll just pretend to be asleep now.


I like Geneva. It's much cooler here, and clean and I feel so safe. The public transport is so efficient, it's free, and the buses run on electricity. My hostel is super duperly clean, managed to enjoy a nice long hot bath after 2 days in a cockroach infested toilet in Nice. And it's just beside the church Martin Luther used to preach in, and at night you can actually hear priest/bishops/monks (or whatever they are called) chanting prayers. It's so peaceful and even the church bell doesn't annoy me.


crosswalk said...

hmm... mr. stinky. it's tough... try to spray perfume all around u.. maybe accidentally spray his armpit too!

hey remember to post your pics!

My soul Sings said...

Melissa!!!Am loving your blog!! hahahahahaaha. Miss ya babe. take care.. just jab him in the ribs next time if he stretches too far. Hehe :)

Jamie said...

sounds like youre having fun, offset beautiful places with not so good people...keep the writing up at least for those of us who cant go there ourselves....makes me want to work for a backpacking trip as well...