Thursday 31 July 2008

Back in London

Hi, I'm finally back in London and still in one piece. I've been terrible at updating this blog! But I actually wrote an entry for each day in my journal, so when I get more time I'll probably post it up. You can read it if you're interested or maybe want to get some travel ideas, otherwise just to let everyone know I made it home safe and sound. Will try to upload some photos as well once I've transfered them all onto my computer.

As for now, going to try to meet up with all those people I might not see again once I leave Londres!

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Day 10 Nice - Geneva

So I'm on the train from Nice to Geneva now. I don't have a place to stay and am contemplating spending the night in the airport (however after a few phone calls I manage to get a bed!!). By the way, the man sitting beside me has terrible BO. It's a 7 hour journey to Geneva, so it's going to be a long ride.
Well I went shopping again before catching the train. Mind you it wasn't souvenir shopping but proper shopping shopping. I'm running out of clothes since all the hostel so far don't have laundry services, it's the sales now and everything is so cheap and it's much easier to get size here. Yeah it's all excuses. But I should really stop or else I will run out of money very soon. I also lost my brand new 10 euro calling card, I think I actually threw it away with my other rubbish. Silly silly me!!
Oh boy, I really cant stand the smell. Actually the reason I'm suffering is my own fault. I was trying to be nice and offered my seat to this girl because her boyfriend was seating beside me. So exchanged seats with her and now I'm stuck with Mr Stinky. And Mr Stinky also has a PINK psp. PINK ok! I have a feeling that maybe Mr Stinky actually understands English and is reading this because he's streching his arms alot now and I think he's purposely doing it to antagonize me. Ok I think I'll just pretend to be asleep now.


I like Geneva. It's much cooler here, and clean and I feel so safe. The public transport is so efficient, it's free, and the buses run on electricity. My hostel is super duperly clean, managed to enjoy a nice long hot bath after 2 days in a cockroach infested toilet in Nice. And it's just beside the church Martin Luther used to preach in, and at night you can actually hear priest/bishops/monks (or whatever they are called) chanting prayers. It's so peaceful and even the church bell doesn't annoy me.

Day 9 Monaco

The hostel in Nice is terrible!!It's in a dodgy area, it's dirty and the toilets have cockroaches. I was so uncomfortable I tried my best to stay out the whole day, which explains most of the blog updates.

Anyway I decided to take a short trip to Monaco. It's a really pretty place with palm trees everywhere and bright colourful buildings. The first place I went to was the Exotic garden and Observatory caves. The garden is filled with hundreds of cactus species and the garden overlooks the stunning view of the harbour. There was a tour guide for the observatory caves but the whole thing was in French. The guide seem to be going on and on so I presume there's a lot of interesting facts I missed about the caves. As long as I have pictures it's oklar. I also met a girl from China, Joanna. She's also studying in the UK. Since she was also travelling alone we decided to visit the places together. Of course we couldnt miss the famaous Monte Carlo Casino. It looks like a mini palace and everything in that area is so expensive and posh. We just sat down at the park nearby watching rich men and women crusing in their Poshers, Ferraris and Lambourginis. Argh....the good life.

Well turns out Joanna is also staying in Nice, just near my hostel so we decided to do some touristy things in Nice together as well. After dinner we took a stroll down the promenade along the beach to see the pretty lights of the hilltop castle. Well this part of Nice is much better than the place where my hostel is located. And Tomasz you were right, Nice is quite dodgy. Random strange men would come up to us, doing the 'pweet weet' , 'bonjour missy' and 'arigato' thing. Although this only happened whenever I'm with Joanna. I experienced none of this when I'm alone! :)
Also in France, French people are coming up to me to ask for directions and favours and what nots. This is rather intersting :) And they continue talking to me in Feench even after I tell them I cant speak French! Also when I was on the train from Spain, an American girl was practically shouting at me asking me 'DO YOU SPEAK INGLES??!!'. As though by shouting at me I'll be able to understand her better (if I didnt speak English). I was so tempted to answer her in Malay or some made up jibbersih and see how she'll respond. Will she give up or try shouting even louder? Hmmm...too late now. But I might try it the next time this happens.

Sunday 6 July 2008


Day 8 (6th July)

I'm finally in Nice and updated this blog from day 2 till day 7. This is gonna cost me a bomb (especially with my slow typing speed). Anyway I don't think I'll spend much time in Nice. I plan to go to Switzerland sooner than what I've planned.


Now day 7 (5th July) was quite a day. I was suppose to reach Barcelona today and take the train from Bracelona - Cerbere (France) - Montpellier - Nice. Now when I reached Cerbere I wanted to buy my tickets from Montpellier to Nice. Unfortunately I couldn't reach Montpellier in time to get the last train to Nice. And I already booked my accomodation in Nice!! Anyway when I arrived in Montpellier it was nearly 7pm so I thought I better just stay here. Once again with my heavy backpack I went looking for a place to stay. I went in the 1st hotel I saw, they had a place and I just took it. It wasnt too bad, looked like those scary looking shop house motels in Malaysia but with a French twist to it :) But Montpellier is actually quite nice, apparently it's an artist town which explains all the dancing and singing in the plaza. I decided to treat myself to a nice dinner after all the walking and heavy luggage (I think I might come back a bit muscular) While waiting for my food, I saw this lady trying to get my attention and when I looked at her, she smiled and nodded at me as if she knew me. She was also dining alone. Is there a 'special code' for lone diners like you have to acknowledge another person who's also dining alone?


Day 5

It's already day 8 and am already in France but I'm still updating about Spain. This blog thing is harder than I thought. So from now on, short short post. Well highlight of Granada is of course the Al-Hambra. Wow...beautiful beautiful that's all I can say. In the Palacios Nazarios, the whole place was intricately carved from marble, I wonder how many artist and craftsman they needed to create this place. And the gardens again, when I strike my first million I'm going to invest in a nice garden.
I'm beginning to realise that people here keep speaking to me in Spanish, and Spanish people come up to me to ask for directions, how to use the ticket machines and all sort of things. I'm a foreinger for goodness sake!! And I was thinking why...I dont even look Spanish. Then I went to the Sacromento caves, it's a man build caves where the gypsies used to live. Well there was a brief history and apparently the gypsies came from India. They were the blacksmith and craftmen of the king and eventually settled down there. So maybe they thought I'm a gypsy? Which also explaines why the gypsy ladies didn't harras me to buy their flowers or ballons or henna tattoo.

Day 6

Well on the last day in Granada, I went for an olive oil tour. We were taken to the hillside villages and were shown the olive groves and how the olives are proessed to get the oil. We even had olive oil tasting, it actually felt weird drinking olive oil like water. But for your information if you want to get a good type of olive oil, it must have a blend of fruitiness, pepper-ish after taste and bitterness all in equal composition. After the tour we went to this small village inn/restaurant and had a nice big spanish lunch. By the way the tour guide really remined me of Dr Hernandez!!

Cordoba and Jerez

Day 2 (30th June)

Took a day trip to Cordoba today. The main attraction is the Mezquita, one of the most important Islamic monument in Western Europe. It has about 900 granite and marble columns that supports hundreds of shaped arches. The intersting thing is that there is a cathedral in the center of the mosque, which was built when the Crusaders conquered Cordoba. And just around the Mezquita is the Judeira, where the Jewish resided. Apparently in those times the Jewish, Muslims and Christians would get together to debate and have dialogue about their faith. Imagine if we had that now, or built a church in a place where a mosque used to be. It would definately be the beginning of blood shed for sure.

Day 3 (1st July)

Today was spent in Jerez la Frontera. Haha...again I got lost in the town. The thing is it's rather small but it's a maze of small alleys and streets and this time I got lost on the way to the tourist information centre. Well it wasn't that bad since I discovered a local market and some high street shops. So I got sort of diverted and started window shopping, and well bought some stuff as well :). Anyway the main idea to go to Jerez was to go to the Jerez' School of Royal Equestrian Art to see the 'dancing horses' performance. Well I missed that (even if I didnt go shopping and didnt get lost I would have missed it, just for your info ok) so I went to one of the many Bodegas to see how sherry and brandy is made.

The bodegas I went to was called Tio Pepe or uncle Pepe and it's one of the oldest running bodegas. It also has a store that can hold 16.5 million barrels or litres, I can't remember of brandy and sherry. Apparently it's the largest and is in the Guiness Book of records. So after the tour we had sherry tasting. I'm not really a wine/sherry or any form of alcohol kind of person but I actually thought the sherry was good; sweet and fruity. But after like 3 glasses I started getting a whee bit dizzy and thought I better make my way home early today.

The night was spent with my new roommates. It's funny but we had alot of similarities. We were all far away from home, one from Brasil and another from NZ, studying in Europe. And we all just finished our studies and am wondering what is the next stage in life from here on. Haha so we got along pretty well.

Friday 4 July 2008

Day 1 Seville

Seville was hot hot hot!! Although after visiting a few places in Spain, I like Seville the best. The highlight is of course the Seville Cathedral, built over the site of the Almohad Mosque. Some parts of the mosque is still preserved such as the Moorish entrance and the Giralda (a minaret converted into a bell tower). It´s the 3rd biggest cathedral after St Peter's in the Vatican city and St Paul's in London. Apparently when the people built it, they said "we shall have a church of such a kind that those who see it built will think we were mad" . I guess it's only human nature to want o build the biggest, tallest, longest something. Reminds me of the tower of babylon, wanting to build the tallest tower so it will reach the heavens.
The next stop was el Real Alcazar de Seville, which I liked best. The Alcazar is actually the royal residence of many monarchs since it was built in 913 and is still used by the Spanish king when he visits Seville. The gardens are like an oasis, you feel as though you´ve been transported back to some Arabian nights tale. Too bad my camera batteries died just then!! Well, I just had to absord everything and print it into memory. Dont really want to bore everyone with the history and architecture of the monuments because I have a feeling I might be repeating words such as 'beautiful', 'magnificient' and 'breath-taking' alot due to my somewhat limited vocab :)
At night I went to the Andalusian School of Arts and Performance in barrio de Santa Cruz for a flamenco performance. The performance was absolutely stunning, I think my mouth was wide opened in amazement throughout the show. Just looking at how fast they tap their feet made mine ache. And the singer was so full of emotion. I had no idea what he was singing about but you can get the feel that it´s one of sadness and he´s mourning for a lost lover or something. Yeah it made my hair stand! It was truly truly amazing.
Anyway I have to say that when I reached Seville, I totally forgot to get directions to my hostel. Haha, so I just got on the fisrt bus that stopped, used some of my broken spanish with the bus driver who had no idea what I was saying. He let me in anyway and then I got off at the last stop. where to go from here? It was a Sunday afternoon, so the streets were very much empty. I just walked and walked, all the while praying that I´m walking in the right direction because I really thought I might faint under the heat and my heavy rugsack. And then, out of no where I found the street my hostel was located in!!! In the back of my head I heard the choir of angels singing 'Hallelujah...hallelujah hallelujah' :) So no map, no direction and I found who said I have a bad sense of direction huh? But seriously, thank God.